This website currently exhibits a collection of nearly 1000 color and black and white photographs of predominantly The American West that date back to the late 1970s. Some of the images were taken with film utilizing different formats - 35mm, 2 1/4 and 4x5. The more recent images are shot on either 4x5 film or with a digital camera, specifically the Canon 1Ds Mark III, 5D Mark II, 6D or most recently 6D Mark II. Most of the black and white images are digital conversions from color. I have also added a few "casual" photos taken on vacations to other countries.
Landscape photography is partially about what the photographer experiences in his or her own eyes in magnificent areas then sharing with others who may not be as fortunate to be there themselves. But it is also about bringing awareness to the importance of protecting our environment throughout the world.
I'm also on Instagram: dennisdilaura